Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Baby movement

I think that I may have jinxed myself in the previous post, saying how nice it was to feel Bobim kick. Whilst I'm very glad that I have a Baby that moves a lot is can be quite difficult to sit in one place and work when he is playing footy with my bladder and the kicks are getting quite sore.

Most of the day has seen me walking around the department when Bobim's kicks get too much to try and get him to sleep. Does anyone else out there have any suggestions on how to make this one sleep a little so that I can get some work done.

Looks like I'm off for another walk!


Anonymous said...

A friend of mine has said that when her baby is too active, she uses deep breathing techniques from yoga -- maybe some of those relaxation techniques from your first class will come in handy now!

Eggs Akimbo said...

I change positions but mine never kicks all the time or hard enough to wake me. I do a kick count every day and record the time from 9am that I feel 10 kicks.

Anita said...

Mari! Sorry have been MIA.

Kicks - where do I begin? Just this past weekend I had no movement what-so-ever and took myself off to the local public hospital only to be reassured that everything was in order and then yesterday and today I have had the biggest kicks ever. You can't win.

Hope the movement has subsided....just a little.

Unknown said...

Using a belt sander worked for Spudly. Probably cant do that in the office though...