Friday, September 16, 2005


I don't know what this means but my e2 levels have dropped, what I do know is that this is NOT a fucking good sign...
1st e2 = 114
2nd e2 = 199
3rd e2 = 235
4th e2 = 221

waiting for a call back with instructions.... please don't cancel the cycle, please don't cancel....

shit, slowly going insane....oh god


Nico said...

Have you had a u/s? That can give you a better sense of what's going on... I'm right with you, praying that this does NOT get cancelled!

Mari said...

No u/s yet, I was waiting for that to be the next step, I have no idea what is going on...
I usually respond really well to gonal-f but I'm just wondering if the metformin is affecting it somehow.

Answers I need answers.

Anita said...

You would think that I would have some clue as to what the E2 levels should be, and if they fell what happens but unfortunately Mari, I am none the wise. Sorry hun.

My first cycle was cancelled and I can honestly say that that cycle was harder than my subsequent BFN, so I am feeling for you.....and thinking of you and hoping like hell that you don't go there. I didn't mean to put a dampner on your current cycle, just wanted to say that I can understand how you must be feeling.

Mari said...

No dampner Anita, I had a sneaky I like to prepare myself for all outcomes. But have just received the news that I'm to continue stimming. What a shit day!

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