Friday, September 16, 2005

Not so bad

Just got the call my cycle has not been cancelled. I'm to continue with the gonal-f 150ui (is that right?) until and including Monday. Another Blood test on Monday and more instructions on Tuesday.

Is this the worlds longest OI cycle?


Nico said...

SO glad you weren't cancelled. My longest one I was injecting Repronex until CD21, Ovidrel on CD22. But my e2 didn't go above 50 until CD19... Have they done a u/s yet??? If not, I think you should definitely ask for one for your next visit. e2 is NOT the whole story.

Bugsy said...

Sounds like a good plan. At least an u/s would give you a better indication of how the follicles are going. So what cd are you up to now?