Monday, August 14, 2006

I wonder

Is this the actual time??? I’ve been up since about 2:49am with contractions, but they seem irregular…oh hang on here comes one now…...ok first one that I’ve timed lasted about 30 seconds…now I just have to figure out how to time the contractions and the duration between them.

I’ve come to the back of the house to try to give my husband a break and let him sleep. Why?? Well I’m not convinced that this is the real thing and Tim is staying home to take me to the OB appointment this morning, and if it isn’t the real deal he will be going off to work….so I don’t want him too tired.

I don’t think that this is the real deal as I’ve had no sign of any ‘show’ at all…well that is not…..(oh hang on another one….again 30 seconds, now timing in between them….I’m so glad that my mobile has a stop watch on it)..where was I? Oh yes I had a little blood yesterday when I went to the toilet….like a tiny membrane that was bright red colour…and now whilst wiping….red smudges, so I don’t know what to think.

As I’ve no hope of sleeping I decided to have a shower and wash my hair and then put a pad on and blog about what I’m going through…ok 4 minutes apart….I just checked my chart and was timing them incorrectly…I’ve got to start timing from the start of a contraction to the start of the next one…

My cats are wondering what I’m doing walking around this house at this hour, I think that they expect to get fed…Mitzu is right here rubbing in between my legs to get my attention….She has to realize that I’m kind of busy having contractions and trying to time them…

I’ve got to wonder….is today your Birthday Bobim?


Nico said...

If it is Bobim's birth-day today, good luck to all of you!!!

Lisselle said...

Mari! Im so excited for you. :)

Ill be thinking of you until you post! Cant wait !

Felicity. :)

Eggs Akimbo said...

I think it has started Mari. Very exciting. Keep us posted.

Bugsy said...

Can't wait to see your next post darls - thinking of you every second. Hurry up and post!

Nico said...

I'm guessing since it's been almost a week since we've heard from you that it WAS the time. I hope you're all doing well!!!