Walking past the room this morning on the way to the study to check up on Manuela’s impending beta results, I couldn’t believe how much we have done and completed. Here is what the room looks like now:

I often sneak in there during the day and just sit on the toy chest and look around in wonder. I feel I need to sneak in as part of me still feels that I have no right to have the furniture, toys, and baby clothes.
We decided that the walls would be a pale light green in colour and the door, window frames and the wardrobe would be a shade darker. The furniture colours are not all the same but we didn’t care. Some of the pieces we’ve had for over 10 years and some new.
The last thing that needs to be done is the curtains and it is doing my head in, the prices for professionally made and hung curtains are unbelievable. I’ve been quoted anywhere from a $600 to $1000. Yes just for curtains in a babies room. My mother has come to the rescue and has offered to make them for us.
My favourite part of the room is the book shelf, mainly because most of the items you see there were either mine or Tim’s when we were little. The ‘new’ things like the Potatoes heads were Tim’s doing. My husband went a little crazy a bought all these cute little toys…that our child will not be able to play with for a long time but Tim insisted that we have them.

I know when Tim goes into the room as you will hear a faint…tootoo sound coming from ‘Thomas’. We found a wooden train set in IKEA that was similar to the one Tim had when growing up and we could not leave the store without that in our hot little hands. The next day we went to at least 4 different toy stores looking for a small Thomas. My Mimi just loves trains and hopes that our child will love them too.

The light went up yesterday, when we saw it in the store we both squealed like children. Well ok I squealed he laughed, throughout this pregnancy I’ve loved anything and everything to do with BUGS, and to find a Bug riding an aeroplane was perfect for us.

So what do you think?
It looks beautiful. I love the green tones and thomas is just gorgeous. I know little Bobim is just going to love it too. Wishing you the best for the next few weeks as you wait for Bobim's arrival. Take care hun and enjoy.
Cute. Very cute.
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