Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Rylan (Rylie) Jacob Sebestyen and Lillian (Lilly) Rose Sebestyen

Born 18/02/2009

Times: 1:38am Rylie and 1:39am Lilly

Weights: 2.690Kg (5.7lb) Rylie and 2.109kg (4.6lb) Lilly

Lengths: 47cm Rylie and 45cm Lilly

We are all home healthy safe and happy and our new family of 5 are adjusting, there has been some tears, from the boys Rylie and Jordy and there has been a lot of hugs and kisses.

It feels so right being at home, words can not describe how we are feeling.

For me importantly I feel so relieved, the pain is gone and my recovery is going well. Being able to bend over and pick things up and get back onto the floor to play is a blessing. I feel like a sleep deprived new mother again, rather than a sleep deprived depressed and stressed pregnant woman!

Birth story and hospital stay posts to come!
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Anonymous said...

Oh Mari,
They are too, too gorgeous... congratulations... just beautiful...

Carrie27 said...

Big congrats!!! Love the names and they are absolutely adorable.

Yes, I completely understand feeling more relieved to not be pregnant any more, even after a c-section. LOL!

Anonymous said...

here from LFCA, congratulations! i'm so happy to hear they are hear and healthy and that you are relieved of so much pain. win win!

I Believe in Miracles said...

Here from L&F. Congratulations! The twins are just precious.

Amanda said...

Here from LFCA

CONGRATULATIONS! They are beautiful!

FattyPants said...

Here from the LFCA. Those are some beautiful babies. Congratulations. Welcome to the world Rylie and Lilly.

A n T said...

Here from LFCA: Congratulatons! Your babies are beautiful!

Baby Smiling In Back Seat said...

Here from LFCA...

Congratulations! They are so beautiful. I hope that everyone adjusts quickly!

George said...

Popping in from LFCA and want to tell you how beautiful your babies are...precious!!!! Congratulations!!!

Bugsy said...

They are just as beautiful as Jordy is. Well done darls. I am so happy for you. Omg how i would love to have those cuddles. you truly are blessed. Huge Congratulations.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on the birth of your healthy babies! Hope everyone is doing well and adjusting nicely.