Monday, July 12, 2010


My little Lilly is small in stature but large in personality and sure knows what she wants. She will happily bestow a smile to everyone and anyone, but her kisses are few and far between. If you ask Lillian for a kiss and she is not in the mood she look the other way and pout, which is so very cute.
I see no issue with Lilly’s height and weight, she entered into this world small so I really have no problem that she continues to put on weight but her clothes are still on the baby side. It is nice to have Rylan the solid boy and then Lilly the petit little girl she is.

I always wanted a little girl and never thought that my boys would bring so much joy as they have. It stems from having two nieces when I was a teenager. I knew what it was like to play with a girl, you know playing dress ups, playing with dolls. Lilly whilst she loves to wear things in her hair and one of her first words is “pretty”, she will happily put on her beads, fake pearls and then chase after her brothers in the mud, crawling through everything and anything to be part of the game.

Whilst Lilly has taken a few steps on her own from the coffee table to the couch for example, she is not confident enough to walk on her own. You can see the fear in her eyes when she lets go of the stable things she is holding onto. The best thing I could’ve bought Lilly was the walker, Jordan borrowed his off his cousin but was quickly given back because he really didn’t play with it.

I bought one for the twins Birthday one for Rylan and the other for Lilly, which is her lifeline to getting about. She happily stands up and walks every around the house pushing the walker. She has grabbed an empty toy box, cardboard box to push around, which is so cute. At my Mums house there is a wooden little trolley that used to house wooden block, this is Lilly’s personal walker there and if anyone touches it all hell breaks loose and you will here “MINE, MINE, MINE, NO, NO, NO”. Lilly will place her favourite toy of the moment in the trolley and happily walks around the house all day.

So whilst she is not officially walking on her own, she is more than mobile to keep me on my toes. This past weekend saw Lilly walking around the house holding on to doors and walls and taking about 5-8 steps towards me with out holding on to anything when prompted.

On the flip side Lilly is talking so much, she is saying so many different words, but finds difficulty in saying Mummy (which breaks my heart, kid off). She will happily say “Thank you”, “Bye bye daddy” and other small sentence and lots of different words.

I can see that Lilly will be a girly girly as she will sit with me letting me comb her hair and we play the game of putting a clip in looking in the mirror and saying “Pretty” then taking it out, giving it back to Mum to do it all again.

I’m think that for Christmas or before her second Birthday I might just get her ears pierced, I was very young when I had the done and if I were living in Hungary Lilly’s would be done by now.